Thursday, July 7, 2016

Kotas Reviews the Green Tea Kit Kat Bar

Now that our patriotic duties are over, it's time to get back down to business. The business of reviewing things from both far and near. Today's subject is from "far", and was made possible by the extremely generous donation of my awesome friend [REDACTED]! This one's for you! By the way, it's from Japan! Let's dig into the Green Tea Kit Kat Bar.

Green Tea is one of those flavors that the Japanese love in damn near any product, and that hasn't really caught on here in the States. Mostly because green tea isn't our drink of choice. No, we get coffee flavored everything out the wazoo in Eagleland, don't we? God Bless America.

Anyway, I do enjoy Kit Kats quite a bit. My preferred Halloween candy bar as a child, I have always been partial to chocolate covered wafer cookies, and the Kit Kat is the literal Alpha and Omega of this treat on our candy shelves. There are a few variants available in the States (Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate, and uh...Big), but there is a truly bewildering number of variants sold in other countries. Mostly this is because everywhere else it is manufactured by Nestle, but in the good ol' United States, our boy Hershey has all the rights, and Hershey's isn't exactly known for changing things for change's sake. The Kit Kat bar originated with Rowentree in Britain before it was snapped up by Nestle, because of course it did. But hey, we're not here to discuss history, but the here and now! Here.

Truly the embodiment of sophistication and delight. 
It is very green, that is for sure. With flecks of...something in the coating. Maybe it is meant to be fragments of tea leaves? No idea. Otherwise, it's a typical Kit Kat, with a candy coating probably based in white chocolate rather than the traditional dark, and holding all or almost all of the flavorings. It looks exactly as you'd expect, really. Let's take a nibble, shall we?

That is definitely Great Teaness right in your face, that is. I doubly appreciate the fact that the sugar wafer inside is ALSO tinted green. Nice job Nestle, staying on theme. The coating is, as expected, a flavored white chocolate and while I'm not a huge fan of white chocolate in general, I recognize that it is an excellent vehicle for non-traditional flavorings, a role it performs admirably here. Still, it's not like "Green Tea" is a particularly bold flavor. Just a weird (to me) one.

On the FACE Rating System, this gets a smiley face. It is certainly not my favorite flavor of candy (or, well, anything really), but it absolutely lives up to the promise of as much Green Teaness as you can cram into a single candy while still holding true to the nature of that candy. If you love green tea, shove one in your face hole as soon as you can, but for the rest of us it is but a pleasant novelty best enjoyed in small portions over a long period of time. Also, Green Teaness. SOPHISTICATED YA'LL.

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